Men’s Sheds Canada

Originally founded in Australia in the 1990s, the grass roots Men’s Sheds movement has expanded to more than 15 countries around the world. It began to take root here in Canada in the early 2000s and has grown steadily since. Canada currently has four provincial Shed associations and over 130 Sheds operating across ten provinces, with potential for exponential growth in the coming years.

A registered charity, Men’s Sheds Canada (MSC) was formed in 2022 to support both the strengthening of existing Sheds and the expansion of new Sheds across the country. Although a relatively new organization, we have emerged as a driving force for innovation within the men’s health sector and are at the forefront of addressing the pressing issues of men’s mental health and social isolation. Here is how we are working to support and grow the Men’s Shed movement across Canada:

  1. Facilitating Connections:  fostering collaboration and sharing best practices nationally to ensure each Shed benefits from the collective wisdom of the movement.
  2. Resources and Training: equipping Men’s Sheds with essential tools, resources, and training to enhance their effectiveness in addressing men’s needs.
  3. Provincial Networks: supporting the grass-roots development of provincial Men’s Sheds networks to strengthen the reach and impact of Men’s Sheds.
  4. Strategic Partnerships: leveraging partnerships with stakeholders, including funders, government agencies, and mental health and seniors’ organizations.
  5. Research Partnerships: engaging in research partnerships to quantify the positive impact of Men’s Sheds on mental health, social cohesion, and community well-being.
  6. Awareness, Education, and Advocacy: raising awareness of the value Men’s Sheds bring to their members, families, and communities; educating on the importance of peer support and community connection; and advocating to combat the stigma associated with men seeking support.
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