Men’s Sheds are places for men to fight the isolation and depression that often comes with retirement, unemployment, or losing a life partner or friends. 4:30
MP Taylor Bachrach gives a statement in Canada’s House of Commons about the mental health benefits of the grass roots Mens’ Shed movement.
The Squamish Men’s Shed Society (SMSS) has three objectives:
1) Provide senior men with a safe and supportive social environment while enhancing their physical and mental well being.
2) Promote volunteerism within our community
3) Better our community by responding to “build project” requests from non-profit organizations in Squamish 3:45
Manitoba has created a video from a very Canadian Perspective. 7:28
Bettina believes people involved in the Men’s Shed movement need to take action to protect these male sanctuaries that enrich the spirit and even save the lives of some men. So come on, men – grow a pair and stand up for men! 25:34
The local Hospital changed how it looks at the world and, therefore, its name: from Arnprior Hospital to Arnprior Region Health. “We are here to create a healthy community together.” Sponsoring a Men’s Shed was the natural result of that vision change. Watch the video to see what happened.The ramification: “Men’s Sheds are considered a Social Health Care Innovation.” Albert Einstein said it best: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” 8:56
BC is leading the country to establish Men’s Sheds as a concrete way to enhance so many lives.Ontario’s Men’s Shed Association is just getting started, and the BC group has been beneficial.This conference video summarizes why Men’s Shed is so relevant within the Canadian framework. 4:04
This video takes you inside Whittlesea Men’s Shed. You’ll meet some of the Shedders, see what they do and get a sense of the atmosphere of friendship. It only happened because of sponsorship by several levels of government and industry. 3:59
Dozens of men in Wales express what being in a Men’s Shed means to them. You won’t see a reason repeated.19:58
This 30-second Community Service Announcement encouraged people all over Australia to “find a shed near you.” 0:30
This is not about Men’s Sheds, but illustrates the need for Men bonding. It’s funny yet poignant. 4:13
Twenty-five local ‘Shedders’ from the Maitland Men’s Shed came together to complete a range of toys and play equipment to donate to Ronald McDonald House at the John Hunter Hospital. 3:54
Twenty-five local ‘Shedders’ from the Maitland Men’s Shed came together to complete a range of toys and play equipment to donate to Ronald McDonald House at the John Hunter Hospital. 3:54